Unravel Me

snow, car, swimming, inbox, accidents, hello kitty..

snow, car, swimming, inbox, accidents, hello kitty...

the weather here has been weird this winter--a lot more snow than usual but also weird b/c it was 67 degrees on new year's eve and a few days later it was all wintry again. it snowed again last night.

i'm at my parents' house this weekend. got my tires rotated. i hate going for car repairs and maintenance. it sucks and it's like no matter what, they try to pull stuff over you just because you're a girl and they assume you know nothing about cars. like in sept. when i needed a new muffler and called beforehand to pin things down and get an itemized breakdown of what it would cost. i went there with that sheet in hand and they still found a way to charge 2x the quoted price. they gave me all this bullshit that they realized it wasn't just the muffler but this pipe and that gasket, clamps, labor costs, etc...ah, maybe i should just switch gears and go to vocational-tech.school to be an auto mechanic myself. i'd open a garage and be competent but *trustworthy*....*sigh*...

i went swimming this afternoon. did 30 laps. mainly freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. butterfly tired me out so i could only do a few laps in that stroke. it's always good to be in water. swimming keeps me very flexible, reduces pain and helps improve my yoga practice.

i've been a bad friend lately. there are so many people who have e-mailed me and i've just been sitting on their messages, letting them pile up in my inbox. now i have to dig out from under them. it's so terrible. haven't felt like talking to many people for obvious reasons. i know i shouldn't feel that way. i also owe calls.

ooh, i just found out that my college roommate, j, was in a car accident. luckily she's okay except for whiplash and being shook up...someone rear- ended her at a high speed in stop-and-go traffic out on I-495. being in an suv was probably a blessing. she, her husband, and daughter left woburn to buy a new house in billerica.

why have so many people i know been in car accidents since college (myself included)? hearing about j's accident totally reminded me of the accident i was in while visiting boston for the (rained out) '96 head of the charles. it sucked. i hated malden hospital and had to choose darvocet over beer all weekend. but i don't feel like talking about that experience right now b/c of the belief that it was another stressor on my body that helped things evolve the way they did. (sigh).

been cleaning my apt. recently and have to clean my room here too. last night i just came across my old hello kitty erasers, stickers, stamps, pens, pencils and pink pencil case i used to collect when i was little. should i keep them or not? oddly enough i want to even though i'm 28 and it's kind of silly of me to still want that kind of stuff. or is it? ok. i know everyone will probably think i'm weird (like who *IS* this gal?) for still liking hello kitty. according to a newspaper article i read last june though, maybe it wouldn't seem so silly if i were japanese. then i'd get a hello kitty cell phone cover, candy, gum, book bag, etc. i'm totally serious: if you go to yaohan (a store nw of chicago)or uwajimaya (there are a couple of these stores in the pacific nw), they have whole sections of hello kitty things. so go see for yourselves if you don't believe me. i guess for now, these things are still mine, so i won't auction them off on e-bay. maybe they're vintage collector's items and are worth tons! ha!

well i've g2g. later.

4:16 p.m. ::
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