Unravel Me

chunky monkey

so weird--i had a dream last night that i ate an entire pint of ben & jerry's chunky monkey ice cream. maybe it's not so weird. maybe some of you who read my diary have done it or would do it... although since my diary is new i doubt anyone really finds my life/writing/diary all that exciting....unless you like my writing or my honesty. it's unlike me to do something like eat an entire container of ice cream. except that i am premenstrual, irritable right now, and so tired. maybe my dream represents the recent resurgence of all the body image junk i thought was behind me. but we'll go into that another day. it's too much to go into right now. anyway if anyone knows the significance or symbolism of my dream, feel free to drop me a note or e-mail me.

my arms are so tired and i almsot fell asleep in front of my computer at 8pm last night--hence no diary entry. wiped out after moving tons of boxes and cleaning my apt in preparation for huge remodeling....i am getting new wooden closets! yay! but what a hassle getting the place ready for a week of remodeling. well i'm at my parents' house right now, so g2g!

9:46 p.m. ::
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