Unravel Me

interview game

interview game...

okay, i've jumped onto the interview bandwagon. the questions below were submitted by arajane:

1. If you could either be invisible or fly, which super power would you choose and why?

hmm. this is a really tough one. my first thought was that invisibility would be great because then i could eavesdrop and be in places where i'm not suposed to be. but then i realized that the ability to turn invisible might be a bit too scary because people might accidentally hurt me b/c they don't realize i'm there. and i might find out information i don't want to know. besides, i guess i could too easily abuse my powers of invisibility and be up to no good. you know, like harry potter and his invisibility cloak.

SO, i guess it would be nice to be able to fly because then i could get where i have to go fast and without ever having to deal with traffic and finding parking. and given that leg pain is a baseline problem for me, i suppose the ability to fly like a bird also means i can get around without worrying about pain.

2. Which character from the Simpsons do you most identify with and why?

i think probably the extraordinary lisa. if you know me, then you know why.

3. Give me an explanation for why the sky is blue, without looking it up or doing research or asking anyone (no cheating!):

maybe this is completely off, but i THINK it has to do with the sky reflecting the ocean (which is blue). and the ocean is blue because of sunlight. if i remember correctly from taking science many years ago, the reason it's blue and not any other color has to do with the color spectrum and the fact that red has the shortest wavelength and violet/blue has the longest wavelength. so the only light that is captured is blue. or maybe it's the reverse: maybe the sky is blue first and that makes the ocean blue. in any case, it's pretty. [and if anyone knows and can tell me if this explanation is wrong or right i'd love to know].

4. If you woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, what would you do (nothing's wrong, you just can't sleep)?

it depends. i'd probably turn the light on and read. i learned many years ago as a student that reading material (no matter how interesting or boring) invariably helps me fall asleep--especially reading while lying down. my other option might be to turn on the computer and play a round of solitaire or log onto d-land to see if anyone has updated. d-land is usually quiet at 3am although sometimes there are updates from west coast d-landers since it's only midnight out there.

5. How many beauty products do you use in the morning and which is your favorite?

um, let's see. about 8. oh wow, did i just type that? i never really counted until now, and i know that makes me look like i wear tons of makeup and spend hours getting ready each morning, but i really don't. most of them are basic hair and skincare products. my favorite of all is aveda rosemary mint shampoo (no surprise there!), which is the first product i use in the morning and maybe what matters the most. i hate to say it, but a bad hair day can sometimes throw me into a foul mood and so i try to start the day with decent looking hair.

whew! i'm done being interviewed. that was fun.


1. leave me a note saying you want to be interviewed

2. i will respond; i'll ask you five questions

3. you'll update your website with my five questions and your five answers

4. you'll include this explanation with your update

5. you'll ask five other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

2:31 p.m. ::
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